The smart PDF workflow solution for print shops

The Impressed Workflow Server in video

The Impressed Workflow Server (IWS) is an automated PDF workflow solution for printers with centralized, database-driven job management and browser-based job control. The IWS user interface provides an overview of the current files in production and can control their further progress. The IWS thus automates and standardizes production.

Dynamic preflight and correction

Status provides information

The order-related, standardized preflight compares the order information with the production data and generates a test port. This can be viewed directly in the browser and sent to the customer by e-mail.

Integration of external systems

Die Verknüpfung von externen Systemen wie Webshops oder Management Information Systemen (MIS) mit dem Impressed Workflow Server ermöglicht es, Auftragsinformationen mit den Produktionsdaten zu verknüpfen. This ensures that each production file is processed according to its order information in the workflow.

Production control & data management

The IWS is optimized for the typical process in a print shop and forms the perfect interface between order management and production. Order information generates a job ticket that dynamically controls the workflow from order-related preflight and from corrections to optional available online sharing and ejected and optimized print form.

Dynamic preflight and correction

The head office of the IWS is the graphical browser-based interface, which allows access to all functions of the IWS server. Orders can be placed, controlled and monitored from here. The status for each job is displayed at all times. The order-related, standardized preflight compares the order information with the production data and generates a test port.


The IWS is not limited to the preflight and the correction of PDF files. The modular design allows for the expansion of functionality by the optional integration of a color server, the web-based sharing of PDF files or the shooting out, printing jobplanning and the collection form position.

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Our IWS brochure as PDF

IWS Broschüre

By Impressed

Impressed GmbH has been a provider of solutions for the areas of media production and digital prepress. In addition to the sales and maintenance of professional Software products different well-known manufacturer , we offer you a whole range of additional Services at. For almost 30 years, we have been helping our customers to standardize and automate their internal and inter-company processes and production workflows, thus making them more efficient.